
Pastor Cheryl Berg

Kelli Powers - Secretary

Jodi Hormann - Secretary

LeAnn Bjornson - Pianist/Organist

Melissa Persing - Praise Team Leader

Staci Peterson - Sunday School Superintendent

Skip & Mary Schmitz - Custodial Staff

Karla Plautz - Treasurer

Norma Holtz - Financial Secretary


Church Council

Donna Wahl - President

Neal Cook - Vice President

Dawn Boehmlehner - Secretary

Shawn Bainbridge

Marcie Conroy

Lorne Amundson

Cheryl Berg


Council Committees

Shawn Bainbridge and Marcie Conroy - Stewardship and Finance

Dawn Boehmlehner - Worship and Music

Chadd Berger and Neal Cook - Property

Donna Wahl - Evangelism and Social Ministry

Lorne Amundson - Christian Education